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You're Not Stuck, But Here's What May Be Going On with Anji Gray Type 5w4

Apr 21, 2022
Anji Gray, Enneagram Type 5w4, New Classic Woman

Anji Gray is the founder of the Mahal Method and The New Classic Woman with extensive training and experience  in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), TIME Techniques™, Hypnotherapy, EFT, Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching, and Energy Work.  She uses her expertise to hold space and facilitate shifts for people all over the world to eliminate what has held them back subconsciously for so long to create the life of their dreams.

She also identifies as an Enneagram Type 5 and is sharing on the show today:

  • Her favorite part of the Type 5 energy 
  • The intentionality she's had to bring to her go-to strategy of detaching 
  • How she sees her stress responses influenced by her 7 arrow 
  • What behaviors of her 8 arrow she notices show up when she's growing 
  • The benefit of creating your own framework
  • How to reframe being stuck 
  • What to do about feeling unworthy 
  • Her own story about feeling like she was falling short and falling behind 

If you have ever questioned your dreams or your abilities to carry them out, I think you'll get so much validation from what Angi shares today and inspiration to keep going, wherever you are along the path.

Connect with Anji on Instagram
Learn more about Angi's work on her website

Links mentioned in the episode:
Angi's Instagram Post about falling behind and starting too late
Episode 18 with Jess O'Connell, fellow Type 5w6


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