Great work relationships don't happen by accident.



Use the Enneagram to create happy & productive workplaces that are good for people, organizations, and society.


Schedule Your Enneagram Experience

Get Started with the Enneagram at Work

The Enneagram is a fluid framework that is made up of 9 Types that provide insight into our internal operating systems. 

When it comes to personal growth and professional development, instead of focusing on behavior and surface-level insight like extrovert or introvert, the Enneagram goes deeper to uncover the motives behind behaviors.  This view allows for meaningful awareness, increased empathy, and intentional action, both for ourselves and for how we impact others. 

Introduction Presentations

Virtual or On-Site Trainings


A good fit for:

breakout group at a conference, featured presentation at a company wide meeting, before a networking event

Check Availability

Staff Development Days

On-Site Workshops


A good fit for:

departments within a larger organization, university staff, human resources, small businesses or agencies, company retreats

Start Planning

Team Growth Programming

Virtual and On-Site Group + Individual Sessions 


A good fit for: 

cross-department groups, teams with a new manager, organizations facing specific challenges, start-ups, leadership teams 

Learn More

Would you like to better understand your team?


Download the Understanding People at Work Cheat Sheet with an overview of the 9 Enneagram types and how to best work and communicate with each one.

Schedule a call 

Download the Cheat Sheet

A Message From Sarah

Sarah Wallace - Managing Director, Enneagram Certified, Enneagram at Work Podcast Host


Self-awareness is the linchpin for all other leadership and relationship management skills. If you're like most people, you're onboard with the idea of learning more about yourself and others. But, how to actually be more self and others-aware, and then what to do with it, isn't always as clear.


That's where Enneagram MBA can help. Having worked with tens of organizations across the country in industries such as manufacturing, professional athletics, financial, healthcare, education and more, our intention is simple  - to help teams grow in their emotional intelligence with the help of the Enneagram to become more effective and influential in their careers and more skillful and collaborative in their work communication.  

More About Enneagram MBA

Events and Shows Sarah has been featured by:


Choose a Specific Area for Your Enneagram Experience 

Or work with Sarah to create your own.
Creating Successful Collaboration


Book the Dream Team
Understanding   Communication Styles


Tell Me More
Navigating a Company Change


Find Dates
Managing Workplace Stress


Learn More
 Preparing New Leaders


Book It
Onboarding New Hires


Take Me to It

What can you expect from an Enneagram MBA class?

If you are looking for a keynote speaker to inspire your audience and provide thought-provoking insights, or would like an Enneagram expert for your organization's upcoming event, Sarah is relatable and knowledgeable, while making the content actionable and fun. Hear what others have to say below. 

Fun & Fresh

"A breath of fresh air. Involved the group in her presentation and was able to get good interaction from the audience."

"Would have loved to have had more time so that we could dive in even more. I think we just scratched the surface, but it was super useful!"

Audience Members

Memorable & Useful

"We love tangible items relating to how to positively run your business using what we learned about the Enneagram and that was exactly what Sarah did with her training."

Hannah Rivette, Support Team

The Elevate Effect

Relevant & Personalized

"She presented on a topic with a lot of information, but it never felt dry or as if you were in the classroom. She allowed the group to direct the discussion, while staying on topic."

Crystole Roberts, Event Organizer

W4W Computershare Chapter

Better understand yourself & others at work.

Understanding People is a free weekly newsletter sent out on Saturday mornings with Enneagram insights, self-awareness how-to, book recommendations, and human behavior fun facts to help you build healthy relationships, inspire others to action, and live the best version of yourself.